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Saint Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church

An Episcopal Church in the Anglo-Catholic Tradition Where All Are Welcome

Christian Formation


Candidates for Confirmation and Reception presented by Fr Blume to Bishop Glasspool,
December, 2019

God is constantly forming us in and through our encounters with creation and our neighbours. God is constantly calling us to deepen our faith—which is nothing more, nothing less, that our relationship with God. There are many ways that we respond to this call and we respond differently at different times in our lives. We respond by engaging in Christian Community in worship and the celebration of the sacraments. We respond by engaging in ministries that call upon us to share God’'s love with others. We also respond by learning more about God and Christ, both through traditional study and by taking on other spiritual disciplines like retreats and spiritual direction.

At Saint Ignatius we are building a program of Christian Formation for people of all ages and for people we are all at different stages of their life’s journey with God.

Our Life’s Journey: Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Confession, Marriage, Unction

Children’s Ministries: Childcare and Sunday School

Adult Education: Sunday and Weekday programs

Programs specifically for Young Adults