Companion Parish
God calls us to connect with each other. Indeed, we are called into relationship with God in large measure as we are called into relationship with each other. Saint Ignatius has, over the past three decades, engaged in this process of forming relationships across the boundaries of race and class and gender, and across the physical boundaries of distance, of seas, and of mountains. We partnered with the church of All Saints in Khuma, South Africa during the struggle against Apartheid, and we saw the fruits of reciprocal ministry through prayer and through direct engagement. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, we partnered with Christ Church, Slidell, Louisiana, and helped them rebuild their church and ministries. From 2008 to 2017 we partnered in mission and ministry with Standing Rock Episcopal Mission in South Dakota, both during the period when our former interim pastor Rob Schwarz was missioner and for a time after.
Currently we have one active companion relationship, with the Church of Saint Saviour’s, Pimlico, London. This began in 2009 with an initiative of the Bishops of New York and London to forge relationships between parishes in Manhattan and Central London. Our church communities, united in the Sacraments and in our desire to be one Body in Christ’s Body, have joined together in mutual prayer and support for fifteen years.
Our relationship continues to be strong and thriving. Father Blume and the current vicar, Father Matthew Catterick are good friends and frequent correspondents. Over the years several members of our parish have worshipped at Saint Saviour’s in London, and we have welcomed a number of visitors from Saint Saviour’s here in New York. Father Catterick joined us as our preacher via Zoom on our live stream during the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope to welcome him and his family in person sometime before too long. In the meanwhile we hope that the next time you are in London, you will visit this wonderful community whom we hold daily in prayer and with whom we are connected through personal and institutional relationships.
Saint Saviour’s Pimlico

Saint Saviour’s stands at the corner of Lupus Street and St George’s Square in the heart of Pimlico, not far from the Tate Britain. It is a neighbourhood not unlike the Upper West Side, with a mix of residents from all walks of life. The parish was founded around the same time as Saint Ignatius and has for many years considered itself a part of the the liberal catholic tradition within the Church of England. Although their liturgies are not as complex as those at Saint Ignatius, Saint Saviour’s is faithful to the great traditions of the Church and Mass is always celebrated enveloped in a cloud of smoke!

Find and visit Saint Saviour Pimlico
Fr Matthew Catterick, Vicar
Saint Saviour’s Pimlico
St George’s Square, Lupus Street
London, SW1V 3QW
Map It.
Underground station: Pimlico
Contact the Parish office: 020 7834 9520
(From the US dial: 011 44 20 7834 9520)
Click here for the Saint Saviour’s Pimlico website.
Find out more on their Facebook Group

Service Times:
8:00 A.M. Said Mass
10:30 A.M. Sung Mass
5:00 P.M. Evening Prayer
Weekday Worship
8:30 A.M. Morning Prayer
12:30 P.M. Said Mass
5:30 P.M. Evening Prayer (not Friday)
The church is normally open to visitors throughout the day.