St. Ignatius NYC Logo

Saint Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church

An Episcopal Church in the Anglo-Catholic Tradition Where All Are Welcome


If you are visiting or new to Saint Ignatius, we hope that you will feel welcome and at home.

Upcoming Events
Christian Formation

Stewardship & Giving
Capital Campaign: Saint Ignatius at 150
Expansion of the Columbarium

Outreach & Ministries
Prayer List
Pastoral Care
Social Media


(Please join us in person)
8:30 A.M. Low Mass
10:30 A.M. Solemn Mass

Monday at 8:00 P.M.: Sung Compline
Please join us in person)

Tuesday-Thursday at 6:00 P.M.: Evening Prayer online
Friday at 12:00 NOON: The Great Litany Prayer online

Feast Days as Announced

See the full schedule on the Calendar

A note about Holy Communion

The Episcopal Church teaches that all baptized persons are welcome to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Communion is offered in both kinds. At this time, the Host will not be administered onto the tongue.

If, for any reason, you are unable to come forward to receive at the altar rail, please let an usher know so that the ministers may bring the Sacrament to your seat. There are two marble steps up to the Communion rail and we want everyone to be safe, so if you are feeling unsteady or at all worried about the steps, please know it is our honour to bring you the Sacrament, and that there are always parishioners to whom we bring Communion at each service.

A number of gluten-free wafers are consecrated for Holy Communion. If you would like to receive a gluten-free Host and the chalice, please let one of the ushers know so we can accommodate you.


At Saint Ignatius music is a very important part of our corporate life. Traditional choral music is an integral part of all our Sunday and feast-day liturgies. Our professional Choir, led by Dr Gwendolyn Toth, sings at the 10:30 A.M. Solemn Mass from September to June and at special services throughout the year.

The large repertoire is mainly drawn from the glories of Medieval and Renaissance music and from the Anglican Choral tradition, and the Choir has also premiered a number of liturgical works by prominent composers.

Click here for the Liturgical music schedule
Click here for the Concert schedule
See the Calendar for service times, concerts and other special offerings


Stewardship 2024

Being a formal member of the parish means being regular in your attendance at worship and making a gift of support to the church, usually through a financial pledge. Your regular pledges to the church allow us, among other things to buy supplies, make repairs to the building, pay our share to the diocese, and, most importantly to pay our staff, so we can have beautiful worship and music, education programs, outreach ministries, and provide pastoral care for you, our members.

We have launched our 2025 Stewardship Campaign. In order to ensure we can continue our ministry and programs and create a realistic budget it is essential that we have your firm commitment to support the church in the coming year as early as possible. You are essential to our ministry!

Once again we are conducting our every member canvas for Annual Stewardship and to check in with you. You will find more information about Stewardship, Pledging, and Parish Membership here.

Read the Stewardship Brochure here

Click here for our Online Pledge Form

Click here for a downloadable pledge card and direct debit instructions

Make your pledge payment with PayPal below:

At this time your continued support is especially important. To make an annual stewardship or Capital Campaign pledge payment, or make a one-time gift or offering, click here


The Capital Campaign will close on December 31, 2024.

We have exceeded the initial goal of our important, generational Saint Ignatius at 150 Capital Campaign, and are still hoping to meet our stretch goal of $750,000. As Peg Breen, president of the Landmarks Conservancy, said when she spoke to us at the beginning of the capital campaign, and encouraged us in our work. She said, “The people who built Saint Ignatius had faith. They built it to honor God, to give themselves a beautiful worship space, and intending that Saint Ignatius would stand, as it has since 1903. You are redeeming that faith, and passing a legacy on to a future congregation.”

Please visit the Saint Ignatius at 150 campaign website for information about the campaign.

If you have made and paid your pledge, thank you! If you have pledged and still need to complete your payment, please do so by December 31, 2024. There is still time to make a pledge or make further contributions. Thank you all!

If you have not pledged, please consider making a pledge at this time. You can find an online pledge form here.

We have made it easy to make your contributions. As many do already (thank you!), you can pay through direct debit (contact us for information), and you can now pay by credit card here or use PayPal below:

At this time your continued support is especially important. To make an annual stewardship or Capital Campaign pledge payment, or make a one-time gift or offering, click here

Please contact the Stewardship chairman for additional information or with any questions.


Last winter the last of the existing Columbarium niches was sold, leaving none for purchase by members of the parish. Knowing that this day was approaching, the Wardens and I have for some time been exploring what it would take to expand the Columbarium. We are, therefore, pleased to announce that at its April meeting the Vestry approved a plan to provide at least 25 additional niches for purchase. Beginning work, however, is contingent upon our ability to fully fund the project without dipping into our capital assets. Once we have the funds, we will begin the work.

In order to make it more attractive for you to purchase a niche now and easier for us to get under way, we are offering the first nine (9) niches at the current price of $5,000. After these are sold, the cost of each niche will be $7,500. Each niche is large enough to contain the remains of two people, and the cost of the niche includes the purchase, engraving, and installation of a slate cover at the time it is first used. Subsequent engraving and installation when the remains of a second person are entombed is at an additional cost to be determined at that time.

Niches available for purchase: 25
$5,000 each for the first nine (9) sold
$7,500 thereafter

The Rector recently discussed end-of-life planning and funerals with the parish. If you would like to talk with the rector about your personal wishes, or need further information, including pastoral questions about expense, or if you wish to secure a niche for yourself or your family, please contact the Rector (email)


Sunday, November 17 The Twenty-Fifth Sunbday after Pentecost
Please join us in person
8:30 A.M. Low Mass
10:30 A.M. Procession and Solemn Mass
The Choir of Saint Ignatius of Antioch will offer the music of the Mass
Coffee hour follows the 10:30 mass
3:00 P.M. Concert: Cerddorion Vocal Ensemble: Between Darkness and Light.
Click here for tickets

Sunday, November 24 Last Pentecost: Christ the King
Please join us in person
8:30 A.M. Low Mass
10:30 A.M. Procession and Solemn Mass
The Choir of Saint Ignatius of Antioch will offer the music of the Mass
Coffee hour follows the 10:30 mass


Adult Education

Parish Retreat
The Biennial Parish Retreat will take place February 7-9 at Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, NY, on the snowy banks of the Hudson River. Our retreat leader, Br Ephrem, will offer us “Monastic Wisdom from Monastic Saints,” with reflections from St Benedict, St Bernard, St Hildegard of Bingen, and Thomas Merton, that will inspire us to grow into our fullest selves.
The cost of $300 includes room and board for the two nights and the facilitation fee; transportation is extra. Space is limited; a $150 payment now will reserve your room. Please hand your check, payable to the parish, directly to Deacon Paul.

The Soul in Autumn, with Deacon Kahn
When it comes to our physical state, “ageing gracefully” is something of a contradiction. Our spiritual state changes as well – often for the better! We look back with wildly mixed emotions, but how does our faith help us look forward? Join Deacon Paul in the Lady Chapel every Wednesday morning at 11:00, starting Wednesday September 25th, for an hour of reflection, discussion, and some time for unstructured prayer and chat. We will begin with a slow reading of The Gift of Years by Joan Chittister, OSB – available in physical and virtual forms from, Amazon, and the New York Public Library. Deacon Paul will have a few spare copies. While this offering is aimed at the post-middle-age crowd, of course all are welcome!

Poetry and Anglican Spirituality, Season II: Several Anglican and one Italian poet in four evenings
Presented by Constance Vidor and Stephanie Cowell
Come discover, share, discuss, and fall in love with the great spiritual poetry of Emily Brontë, William Wordsworth, Siegfried Sassoon. Wilfred Owen, Christina Rossetti, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Elizabeth and Robert Browning, and Dante Alighieri. Let”s talk about what their words mean to us in our journey as Anglicans. Wine and soda and nibbles will be served. Copies of poems will be sent before the class, but you may bring your favorites to share.

Thursday October 10th, 2024 at 6:30 P.M.: THE GREAT VICTORIANS – Tennyson, Wordsworth, Robert Browning
Thursday November 21, 2024 at 6:30 P.M.: EARLY RENAISSANCE ITALY – Dante Alighieri (in translation) and his world of exile
January (date TBA) 2025: THE SPIRITUAL LIVES OF 19th CENTURY WOMEN– Dickinson, Emily Bronte, Christina Rossetti, Elizabeth Barrett Browning
February (date TBA) 2025: POETS OF THE GREAT WAR – Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen, et al.
Please e-mail Constance to let us know you are coming.

For some reading and reflection, take a look at our sermon archive.

Links to Daily Office offerings online can be found on our calendar page.

Youth Group and Sunday School are currently suspended. Check back for more information.

We offer childcare for children under seven years of age from 10:00 A.M. through coffee hour. Older children are encouraged to attend mass and are welcome to serve as readers, ushers, and acolytes.



The Pass the Purse, Please event with the Homeward UWS Shelter took place on July 16. Three parish members provided childcare while the mothers attended a workshop focused on emotional wellness. The moms loved the purses filled with beauty and health items donated by our parish members. Thanks to everyone who took part!

The 2024 Mother & Child Weekend Retreat was held September 27-29 at the Fairview Lake YMCA Camp in New Jersey. Eighteen mothers and 22 children, ages 5-17, attended. A wonderful time was had by all! Activities included s'mores by the campfire, archery, boating, rock wsall climbing, and hiking. Moms attended workshops focused on building communication and interpersonal skills. We are so very grateful for the generous support and sponsorship from the members of Saint Ignatius of Antioch. Thank you!

Our next Outreach activity will be to support the NYC Homeward Shelter's annual holiday meal and provide gifts for their residents and our Soup Kitchen guests. We will communicate more information as the Christmas season nears.

We like to give our Soup Kitchen guests bags of toiletries. If you have unopened shampoos and soaps from your travels, or could pick up small toothpastes, hand lotions, etc., we have a basket by the West End Avenue door to drop them in.

If you wish to contribute to an Outreach initiative, please use the Paypal on the front page and choose “Rector’s Discretionary Fund” or send a check payable to Saint Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church with “RDF” in the memo line.

If you wish to learn more about these initiatives or volunteer for the Soup Kitchen, please click here or contact Laurel Bishop (email)

The Leopards: Helping Parishioners Help Each Other

Might you have an occasional hour or two to help a fellow parishioner who is temporarily homebound or otherwise laid low? Grocery shopping, dog-walking, or accompanying someone to the doctor or to church is a simple, useful, and practical way of caring for one another within the St. Ignatius community.

Or perhaps you would like a Saint Ignatius Leopard in your life. If you are homebound from illness, a bad back, or post-surgery and need a little help with shopping or cleaning, or need someone to accompany you to a doctor‘s appointment or to church, we have a group of parishioners eager to help out.

The Leopards, led by Deacon Kahn and Lucy Kuemmerle, are hard at work formulating ways to get people the material help they need, such as groceries and supplies, as well as maintaining connection. If you need help or want to volunteer to help, you can contact Deacon Kahn or Lucy Kummerle here.


Ushers welcome people as they enter the church, take up collection, and assist in other ways throughout the service. Saint Ignatians who would like to serve as ushers are warmly invited to speak to any of the regular ushers. We will pair up new ushers with more experienced ushers so that there is plenty of support in learning the ropes. Please make yourself known to us on Sunday so we can include you in this ministry! Or contact Helen Jarvis


Childcare is available for children in second grade and younger. Volunteer babysitters are needed to staff the playroom for Sunday 10:30 A.M. services. Ideally, volunteers will serve once every four to six weeks. We are also looking for occasional volunteers to be “on call.” If interested, please contact Jennifer Woodruff


The weekly intercessions list is found in the Sunday Leaflet. The entire list of those for whom our prayers for healing are offered, which you will find on the next to last page of this Leaflet, will always be prayed in full on our Wednesday evening healing Masses.

If you wish to place yourself or someone else, whether a member of the parish or not, on the prayer list, please contact the office either by e-mail or phone (212-580-3326). Please do let us know if you or a member of your family or a friend is sick and would like either our prayers or a visit from one of the clergy. In these days of strict privacy laws we will not know you or a member of your family is in the hospital or ill unless you tell us. Names will be placed on the list for six weeks, after which time they will be removed, unless renewed. Please contact the parish office to place names on the list. Names submitted by Wednesday 12:00 NOON will appear in the following Sunday Leaflet.


The clergy are available for pastoral care, including hospital and home visits. They are available to meet in person, by phone, email, and on Zoom


As we all know, using social media sites allows us to get information to our members and friends efficiently and quickly. It also drives traffic (that means people) to our website where there is more information about our parish. We are finding that most people who walk through our doors for the first time have somehow found us on the internet. Increasing our on-line presence allows us to reach more people who may be looking to find a church home and make it here at Saint Ignatius.

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