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Saint Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church

An Episcopal Church in the Anglo-Catholic Tradition Where All Are Welcome

February at Saint Ignatius

Solemn Mass is now taking place only in person. We continue to offer the daily offices online.

Christmas, 2019

Sunday, February 16 The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany (LXX)
Please join us in person
8:30 A.M. Low Mass
10:30 A.M. Procession and Solemn Mass
The Choir of Saint Ignatius will offer the music of the mass and sing The Western Wind Mass by John Taverner (c.1495–1545) and the motet Locus iste by Anton Bruckner (1824-1896).
Coffee hour follows the 10:30 mass

Monday, February 17 Janai Luwum, Archbishop of Uganda and Martyr, 1977
Please join us in person
8:00 P.M. Sung Compline

Tuesday, February 18 Feria
6:00 P.M. Evening Prayer Join Zoom here.

Wednesday, February 19 Feria
11:00 A.M. The Soul in Autumn with Deacon Kahn. Please join us in person.
6:00 P.M. Evening Prayer Join Zoom here.

Thursday, February 20 Frederick Douglas, 1895
6:00 P.M. Evening Prayer Join Zoom here.

Friday, February 21 Feria
12:00 NOON The Great Litany Join Zoom here.

Saturday, February 22 Feria

Sunday, February 23 The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany (LX)
Please join us in person
8:30 A.M. Low Mass
10:30 A.M. Procession and Solemn Mass
The Choir of Saint Ignatius will offer the music of the mass and sing Missa Ancor che col partire by Philippe de Monte (1521–1603).
Coffee hour follows the 10:30 mass

Monday, February 24 Saint Matthias the Apostle
Please join us in person
8:00 P.M. Sung Compline

Tuesday, February 25 Feria
6:00 P.M. Evening Prayer Join Zoom here.

Wednesday, February 26 Feria
11:00 A.M. The Soul in Autumn with Deacon Kahn. Please join us in person.
6:00 P.M. Evening Prayer Join Zoom here.

Thursday, February 27 George Herbert, Priest, 1633
6:00 P.M. Evening Prayer Join Zoom here.
6:30 P.M. Charged with the Grandeur of God: Poets in the Anglican Tradition This is the final discussion of the series with Stephanie Cowell and Constance Vidor. Tonight’s topic will be the War Poets
Please join us in person.
Email Constance Vidor so she can send you the poems in advance.

Friday, February 28 Anna Julia Hayward Cooper, Educator, 1964
12:00 NOON The Great Litany Join Zoom here.

Saturday, March 1 David of Wales

Sunday, March 2 The Last Sunday After Epiphany(L)
Please join us in person
8:30 A.M. Low Mass
10:30 A.M. Procession and Solemn Mass. The Choir will offer the music of the mass and sing Missa Je suis desheritée by Nicolas Gombert (c.1495–c.1560).
Coffee hour follows the 10:30 mass

Wednesday, March 5 Ash Wednesday
Please join us in person
8:00 A.M. Low Mass and Imposition of Ashes
12:15 .M. Low Mass and Imposition of Ashes
7:00 P.M. The Imposition of Ashes and Solemn Mass. Members of the Choir will offer the music of the mass.


Saturday, March 1 at 7:30 P.M.
Polyhymnia: The Divine Josquin
Music in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary by the great Josquin des Prez (c.1450-1521)

Sunday, March 2 at 3:00 P.M.
Cerddorian: Prophecies, Mystics, and Music of the Spheres
Choral program including selections from Lasso’s Prophetiae Sibyllarum, Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb, and a world premiere by New York composer Shanan Estreicher, with poetry by Laura Reece Hogan

Sunday, March 9 at 4:00 P.M.
Central City Chorus: Northern Lights
Music of Alfvén, Chesnokov, Ešenvalds, Gjeilo, Lauridsen, Mäntyjärvi, and Rachmaninov.

FOR COPY AND PASTE Sunday, March 2 Last Epiphany (L)
Monday, March 3 John and Charles Westley, Priests 1781, 1788
Tuesday, March 4 Feria
Thursday, March 6 Lenten Feria
Friday, March 7 Perpetua and her Companions, Martyrs, 202
Saturday, March 8 Lenten Feria
Sunday, March 9 The First Sunday in Lent (XL)
Monday, March 10 Lenten Feria
Tuesday, March 11 Lenten Feria
Wednesday, March 12 W Ember Day (comm. Gregory the Great, Bishop, 604)
Thursday, March 13 Th Lenten Feria
Friday, March 14 F Ember Day
Saturday, March 15 Sat Ember Day
Sunday, March 16 Sun The Second Sunday in Lent
Monday, March 17 M Patrick of Ireland, Bishop and Missionary, 461
Tuesday, March 18 T Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop, 386*
Wednesday, March 19 W Saint Jospeh
Thursday, March 20 Th Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne, 687
Friday, March 21 F Thomas Ken, Bishop of Bath and Wells, 1711
Saturday, March 22 Sat James de Koven, Priest, 1879
Sunday, March 23 Sun The Third Sunday in Lent
Monday, March 24 M Lenten Feria*
Tuesday, March 25 T The Annuncation of Our Lord
Wednesday, March 26 W Lenten Feria
Thursday, March 27 Th Charles Henry Brent, Bishop, 1929
Friday, March 28 F Lenten Feria
Saturday, March 29 Sat John Keble, Priest and Poet, 1866
Sunday, March 30 Sun The Fourth Sunday in Lent
Monday, March 31 M John Donne, Priest, 1631

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For further information please contact the parish office.