Parish Leadership & Contact Information
The Clergy
The Rev’d Dr Andrew C. Blume, Rector (email)
The Rev’d Dr Philip H. Towner, Associate Rector (email)
The Rev’d Paul S. Kahn, Deacon (email)
The Rev’d John Miles Evans, Honorary Associate
Ms Samantha J. Christopher, Seminarian
Dr Gwendolyn Toth, Organist & Choirmaster and Director of Music (email)
Mr Eddie Zheng, Assistant Organist
Mr Emmanuel N. Nawita, Sexton
Ms Juliet Nawita, Weekend Sexton
Dr Hope Lampert, Churchwarden (email)
Dr Dhananjay Jagannathan, Churchwarden (email)
Mr Jeffrey C. Wentling, Treasurer (email)
Ms Helen Jarvis, Clerk
Ms Ami Shipley, Assistant Treasurer
Serving to January 2025:
Mr Jeffrey C. Wentling
Serving to January 2026:
Ms Meredith Strauss
Serving to January 2027:
Ms Susan Moran
Committee Chairs
Adult Formation: The Rev’d Dr Towner and Deacon Kahn
Anti-Racism Committee: The Rector and Mr Anthony J. Mickey
Buildings and Grounds: The Rector and Ms Holly Hughes
Children and Family Ministries: Ms Meredith L. Strauss and The Rector
Columbarium: The Rector
Communication & Evangelism: Dr Warren T. Woodfin
Hospitality: Ms Kate McEnulty
Investments: Contact the Treasurer
Leopards: Ms Lucy Kuemmerle and Deacon Kahn
Mission and Outreach: Ms Holly Hughes and Ms Laurel Bishop
Stewardship: Ms Chelsea Wicks Peel and Ms May Ling Stella (email)
Soup Kitchen: Ms Laurel Bishop and Mr Nick Greendyk
Contact the Webmaster here (email)